1. Installation and basic settings

  • CLUPAN is available for LINUX and Mac.

  • Language : C++

  • Licence : GPL v2

  • Multi thread calculations using OPENMP

  • If you find any bugs, contact Atsuto Seko by e-mail, seko at cms.mtl.kyoto-u.ac.jp.

  • If you use CLUPAN for publishing academic papers, cite the paper of [CE1] .

1.1. Required libraries

On ubuntu OS, BOOST and GSL can be installed using apt.

aptitude install libboost-dev libgsl0-dev

And OPENMP are required for multi-thread calculations.

1.2. Basic settings

  • In order to change stacksize, type the following command in case of zsh

    ulimit -s unlimited
  • If you use any codes for DFT calculations except for VASP code, you need to modify input files for structure to CLUPAN structure format.

  • The number of threads for multi-thread calculations can be changed by setting the environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS. In case of bash or zsh, type the following command

    export OMP_NUM_THREADS=2