13. チュートリアル

13.1. Tutorial 1: 指定したセルの範囲内でのすべての原子配置においてエネルギー計算を行う

  • 岩塩型MgO-ZnO系

  • あらかじめ準備されたDFT構造およびエネルギーを用いる.ここでは,mkposcarは用いず,DFT構造の最適化は行わない.

  • ユニットセルを2x1x1倍したセル内でのすべての原子配置において,エネルギー計算を行う.(計算量を軽減するためセルの大きさは小さく指定している.)

13.1.1. Step 1. searching for independent clusters on the lattice

  1. preparing lattice information (UPOSCAR and UPOTCAR)

    > cd tutorials/1/cluster
    > cat UPOSCAR
    4.15700000000000      0.00000000000000      0.00000000000000
    0.00000000000000      4.15700000000000      0.00000000000000
    0.00000000000000      0.00000000000000      4.15700000000000
    4 4
    0.00000000000000      0.00000000000000      0.00000000000000
    0.50000000000000      0.50000000000000      0.00000000000000
    0.50000000000000      0.00000000000000      0.50000000000000
    0.00000000000000      0.50000000000000      0.50000000000000
    0.00000000000000      0.00000000000000      0.50000000000000
    0.50000000000000      0.00000000000000      0.00000000000000
    0.00000000000000      0.50000000000000      0.00000000000000
    0.50000000000000      0.50000000000000      0.50000000000000
    > cat UPOTCAR
    VRHFIN =Mg:
    VRHFIN =O:
  2. preparing CE.in

    > cat CE.in
    ISUB = 1
    NMAX = 4
    DTRUNC = 6 6 6 0
  3. executing cluster for generating cluster.out and position.out

    > cluster
    default parameter : SYMPREC = 1e-05
    n_cluster (empty) = 1
    n_cluster (point) = 1
    seaching for 2 body clusters ...
    n_cluster (2 body) = 4
    seaching for 3 body clusters ...
    n_cluster (3 body) = 12
    seaching for 4 body clusters ...
    n_cluster (4 body) = 35
    n_all_cluster = 53
    > ls
    CE.in  UPOSCAR  UPOTCAR  cluster.out  position.out

13.1.2. Step 2. calculating correlation functions for DFT structures

  1. preparing DFT structures (POSCAR and POTCAR)

    > cd tutorials/1/correlation
    > ls
    001/ 002/ 003/ ... 029/ 030/
    > ls 001/
  2. preparing lattice information (UPOSCAR and UPOTCAR)

    > cd tutorials/1/correlation
    > for i in {001..030};do cp {UPOSCAR,UPOTCAR} $i;done
  3. preparing CE.in

    > cd tutorials/1/correlation
    > cat CE.in
    ISUB = 1
    NAMEPOT = Mg Zn O
    SPIN = 1 -1
    NUCELLPOSCAR = 2 2 2
    SYMPREC = 1e-5
    > for i in {001..030};do cp CE.in $i;done
  4. preparing position.out

    > cd tutorials/1/correlation
    > cp ../cluster/position.out .
    > for i in {001..030};do cp position.out $i;done
    > ls 001/
    CE.in  POSCAR  POTCAR  UPOSCAR  UPOTCAR  position.out
  5. executing correlation for calculating correlation functions and generating of.out and correlation.out

    > cd tutorials/1/001/
    > echo " structure 001" > correlation.001
    > correlation >> correlation.001
    > cat correlation.001
     structure 001
  6. executing correlation for calculating correlation functions of all structures and preparing CORRELATION

    > cd tutorials/1/correlation
    > for i in {001..030};do cd tutorials/1/correlation/$i; echo " structure $i" >| correlation.$i; correlation >> correlation.$i;done
    > cd tutorials/1/correlation
    > for i in {001..030};do cat $i/correlation.$i;done > CORRELATION

13.1.3. Step 3. optimizing a set of clusters and estimating their ECIs

  1. preparing ENERGY and CORRELATION

    > cd tutorials/1/gasa
    > cp ../correlation/CORRELATION .
  2. preparing GASA.in

    > cat GASA.in
    NLOOP = 0
    BASECLUSTER = 0 1 2 3 4 5
    NPOP        = 50
    NELITE      = 3
    MININDEX    = 6
    MAXINDEX    = 52
    NCLUSTER    = 5
    MAXGENE     = 200
    PMATING     = 0.9
    PMUTATION   = 0.03
    > ls
  3. executing gasa for optimizing a set of clusters (A different result may be obtained.)

    > gasa
     initial population
      cv score = 0.00222288 8 14 37 48 52
      cv score = 0.0013192 6 10 31 39 47
     generation 1
     generation 2
     generation 199
     generation 200
    > tail -n 51 gasa.out | head -n 2
     generation 200
    0.000380998 12 49 14 50 39
  4. preparing LS.in

    > grep NALLCLUSTER GASA.in | cut -f 4- -d " " > LS.in
    > grep BASECLUSTER GASA.in | cut -f 4- -d " " >> LS.in
    > tail -n 50 gasa.out | head -n 1 | cut -f 3- -d " " >> LS.in
  5. executing lsf for estimating ECIs

    > lsf
    0   -0.03762950309
    1   -0.006265528600
    2   0.05964064765
    3   -0.008588932374
    4   -0.01597202189
    5   0.001424126588
    12   0.007407443471
    49   -0.0005923858386
    14   -0.001214238460
    50   0.0006339154097
    39   0.001143178365
    sum of square error = 1.748e-06
    cross validation score = 0.0003810
    --- diagonal terms of precision matrix  ---
    1     0.3565
    2     0.9031
    3     0.1426
    4      1.082
    5     0.1536
    12     0.8314
    49     0.1646
    14     0.5158
    50    0.09850
    39     0.9147
    trace of precision matrix = 5.162
    > lsf | head -n 11 > ECI

13.1.4. Step 4. calculating energies of possible configurations within 2x1x1 supercell

  1. preparing lattice information, ECI, of.out

    > cd tutorials/1/gss
    > ls
    nchange1/  nchange2/  nchange3/  nchange4/  nchange5/  nchange6/  nchange7/
    > cp ../correlation/001/of.out .
    > cp ../gasa/ECI .
    > for i in {1..7};do cp {of.out,ECI} nchange$i/;done
  2. preparing GS.in

    > cat nchange1/GS.in
    ISUB = 1
    NCHANGE = 1
    SPIN = 1 -1
    NUCELL = 2 1 1
    > ls nchange1
    ECI  GS.in  UPOSCAR  UPOTCAR  of.out
  3. executing gss

    > cd nchange4
    > gss
     default parameter : SYMPREC = 1e-05
     cell size (ground state search) = 2 1 1
     cell size (calculation of correlation function) = 2 2 2
    ECI and output energies in gs.out have same unit.
    calculating symmetry operations
    calculating combinations of atoms
     number of configurations = 35
     number of elements in an array for atomic configurations = 140
     required memory for configurations = 0.00028 (MB)
    calculating all cluster positions
    calculating energies for all configurations
    elapse (calculation of energies) = 0.4 (sec)
  4. drawing a figure using gs.out
