2.1. Ground state search and phase diagram calculation

2.1.1. Binary systems Example 1

  • CaO-SrO pseudobinary system

  • Without performing cluster analysis of structure population (CASP)

  1. Preparing primitive lattice of rocksalt

    Information of primitive lattice is described in primitive_lattice.

    > cat primitive_lattice
    axis1 = [3](0.000000000,2.000000000,2.000000000)
    axis2 = [3](2.000000000,0.000000000,2.000000000)
    axis3 = [3](2.000000000,2.000000000,0.000000000)
    n_atoms = 1 1
    position1 = [3](0.000000000,0.000000000,0.000000000)
    position2 = [3](0.500000000,0.500000000,0.500000000)

    Non-primitive lattice can be automatically converted to primitive lattice using find_primitive. Non-primitive lattice should be written in clupan structure format.

    tools/find_primitive -f $(structure_name) > primitive_lattice
  2. Preparing structure population (searching for derivative structures)

    Structure population is needed for DFT structure selection and CV-CASP estimation. Derivative structures can be regarded as the structure population. In this tutorial, derivative structures with up to 8 cations are regarded as the structure population.

    Searching for derivative structures

    > cd derivative_structure
    > ls 5/
    derivative.in  primitive_lattice
    > cat 5/derivative.in
    n_lattice = 5
    n_type = 2
    symprec = 1e-5
    > j=`pwd`;for i in {2..8};do cd $j/$i; derivative;done

    Converting derivative.out to structure files

    > cd ../
    > j=`pwd`;for i in {2..8};do cd $j/$i; derivative_to_structure;done
    2 structures are generated.
    3 structures are generated.
    12 structures are generated.
    14 structures are generated.
    50 structures are generated.
    52 structures are generated.
    229 structures are generated.

    362 structures with up to 8 cations are obtained.

  3. Searching for independent clusters

    Independent clusters are required for calculating correlation functions

    > cd cluster_search
    > ls
    cluster.in primitive_lattice
    > cat cluster.in
    n_sublattice = 1
    max_cluster = 4
    trunc_distance = 6.0 6.0 6.0 0.0
    symprec = 1e-5
    > cluster_search
    number of symmetry operations = 48
    number of empty cluster = 1
    number of 1-body clusters = 1
    number of 2-body clusters = 4
    number of 3-body clusters = 12
    number of 4-body clusters = 35
    number of all clusters = 53

    53 clusters up to 4-body cluster are obtained.

  4. Calculating correlation functions of all structures in the structure population

    Preparing files for calculating correlation functions

    > cd derivative_structure
    > cat setup_correlation.sh
    mkdir ../correlation
    for i in {2..8};do
        for j in `ls $i/structure*`;do
            n1=`grep n_atoms $j | cut -d" " -f4`
            n2=`grep n_atoms $j | cut -d" " -f5`
            count=`expr $count + 1`
            mkdir -p ../correlation/$count
            cp -r $j ../correlation/$count/structure$count
            echo " spin = 1 -1" > ../correlation/$count/correlation.in
            if [ $n1 -ne $n2 ]; then
                count=`expr $count + 1`
                mkdir -p ../correlation/$count
                cp -r $j ../correlation/$count/structure$count
                echo " spin = -1 1" > ../correlation/$count/correlation.in
    > ./setup_correlation.sh

    616 structures including spin-flip structures are prepared.

    Calculating correlation functions of 616 structures

    > cd ../correlation
    > for i in `ls -F`;do cp ../cluster_search/cluster.out $i;done
    > dir=`pwd`; for i in `ls -F`;do name=${i%/}; cd $dir/$name; correlation -f structure$name;done
  5. DFT structure selection

    In this tutorials, 55 structures with up to 5 cations and end menbers of CaO and SrO are used for DFT calculation.

  6. DFT calculations

    Calculate energies of 57 structures. Then prepare dft_energy file. In order to perform DFT calculations, It may be as well to refine the structures using tools/refine_cell.

    > cd ../
    > mkdir energy
    > for i in {1..55};do cp -r correlation/$i energy;done
    > for i in {1..55};do tools/refine_cell -f $i/structure$i > $i/structure_refine$i;done

    When using VASP for DFT calculations, POSCAR files can be automatically prepared.

    > tools/structure_to_poscar -f $i/structure_refine$i > $i/POSCAR
  7. ECI estimation

    Calculated DFT energies are listed in dft_energy file. Energy in dft_energy file has a unit of eV/primitive cell. correlation file is needed for ECI estimation.

    > cd ../lsf
    > ls
    dft_energy lsf.in ga.in setup_correlation.sh
    > ./setup_correlation.sh

    Genetic algorithm (GA) is performed for optimizing the set of clusters.

    > cat ga.in
    n_loop = 0
    temp_init = 1
    temp_final = 0.001
    temp_mul = 0.9
    base_cluster = 0 1 2 3 4 5
    n_pop = 25
    n_elite = 1
    min_index = 6
    max_index = 52
    n_cluster = 3
    max_iteration = 100
    p_mating = 0.9
    p_mutation = 0.03
    > ga
    default parameter : iweight = 0
    default parameter : ex_cluster =
    generating population
    generating population using simulated annealing
    iteration 0 : min_cv_score = 0.00484818
    iteration 1 : min_cv_score = 0.004608
    iteration 2 : min_cv_score = 0.004608
    iteration 3 : min_cv_score = 0.004608
    > tail -n 25 ga.out | head -n 1
    cv_score = 0.00436178; cluster_index = 34 46 11

    By using the result of GA, eci file is prepared.

    > cat lsf.in
    cluster_index = 0 1 2 3 4 5 34 46 11
    > lsf
    > cat eci
    cluster_index = 0 1 2 3 4 5 34 46 11
    eci = [9](-12.48423400,-0.3918767803,-0.03169960820,0.01169224996,-0.03735726419,0.002203187340,-0.01230658445,0.009218152246,-0.005353977333)
    squared error = 0.0007125008537
    cv score = 0.004378791536
  8. Ground state search

    By calculating energies of 616 derivative structures, the ground state structure are found. Composition is defined as x=0 at CaO and x=1 at SrO. Practically, a larger number of structures should be prepared for the ground state search.

    > cd ../gss
    > cp ../lsf/eci .
    > touch correlation
    > for i in {1..616};do cat ../correlation/$i/correlation.out >> correlation;done
    > cat gss.in
    comp_cluster = 1
    comp_def = 0.5 -0.5
    > gss

    Energies of all 616 structures are positive.

  9. Semi-grand canonical Monte Carlo simulation

    Semi-grand canonical MC simulations are performed starting from both CaO and SrO at several temperatures and chemical potentials. Chemical potential is defined as mu = mu_Sr(spin=-1) - mu_Ca(spin=+1). cluster.out file is obtained by cluster. cluster_function.out file is obtained by correlation. eci file is botained by lsf.

    > cd ../mc
    > cd start_CaO/100/0.00
    > ls
    cluster.out    eci    structure_CaO
    cluster_function.out   mc.in
    > cat mc.in
    cell_expansion = 10 10 10
    i_temp = 0
    temp = 100
    n_step_ann = 2000
    n_step_eqv = 2000
    init_structure = structure_CaO
    spin = 1 -1
    simulation_type = gcmc
    mu = 0.00
    > mc
  10. Free energy calculation

    In order to obtain the phase diagram, the grand potential is estimated using the thermodynamic integration after performing MC simulation. First, information for thermodynamic integration is prepared in a file. Chemical potential is defined as mu = mu_Sr(spin=-1) - mu_Ca(spin=+1). Composition should be written as composition of Sr.

    > cd ../ti
    > cat ti_path_startc_1000
    41 # number of points
    0.00  1000  .00000454  -12.93970981 # chem. pot., temp., comp., energy
    0.04  1000  .00000686  -12.93970735
    0.08  1000  .00001061  -12.93970337
    0.12  1000  .00002089  -12.93969246
    > cat ti.in
    initial_potential = -12.93971
    > ti -f ti_path_startc_1000

    Solubility limit can be found from the difference of the grand potentials of CaO and SrO.


    Then, a phase diagram can be obtained.

    ../_images/CaO-SrO-phase-diagram.svg Example 2

  • CaO-SrO pseudobinary system

  • With performing CASP

  1. Performing CASP

    Structure population is divided into 6 groups.

    > cd ../casp
    > touch correlation
    > for i in {1..616};do cat ../correlation/$i/correlation.out >> correlation;done
    > tools/correlation_for_casp -f correlation > correlation_casp
    > R -f casp.r
  2. DFT structure selection

    In this tutorial, 10 structures are selected from each group. Total number of DFT structures is 60.

    > tools/structure_selection -g group -n 10
    number of structures in group 1 = 59
    number of structures in group 2 = 54
    number of structures in group 3 = 136
    number of structures in group 4 = 244
    number of structures in group 5 = 59
    number of structures in group 6 = 64
    randomly selected structures = 127,159,181,225,234,240,259,275,505,597,48,115,122,187,221,327,375,388,463,480,26,106,108,143,309,352,390,438,459,539,66,146,217,280,310,363,384,460,478,504,23,89,248,317,355,484,530,608,610,615,78,91,171,193,199,207,356,469,512,574

2.1.2. Ternary systems

Coming soon…

2.1.3. Multilattice systems

MC simulations for multilattice systems is now unavailable.